Sam Francisco

Just stuff about me, Sam, living in San Francisco

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

A selection of pictures I took at San Francisco's Gay Pride Parade. Sunday June 27th 2004.
San Francisco Gay Pride June 2004

Pink Poodle
San Francisco Gay Pride June 2004

Terror! Transvestite, Travesty, Terrier...
San Francisco Gay Pride June 2004

my favourite parade-ee
San Francisco Gay Pride June 2004

Loveable, cheeky, Graham Norton
San Francisco Gay Pride June 2004

A "Target" commercial?!
San Francisco Gay Pride June 2004

San Francisco Gay Pride June 2004

San Francisco Gay Pride June 2004

Gavin Newsom, Mayor of San Francisco who made history by allowing gay marriages
San Francisco Gay Pride June 2004

San Francisco Gay Pride June 2004

San Francisco Gay Pride June 2004

San Francisco Gay Pride June 2004

Grand Marshal
San Francisco Gay Pride June 2004

Friday, June 25, 2004

Match a French restauranter with a stylish Dutch woman and the result is three beautiful daughters. The whole family came round to ours for dinner last night where the girls, Marlo, Kaya and Nell enjoyed partying in our hot tub.

Marlo, Kaya and Nell dancing in the jacuzzi

Marlo, Kaya and Nell

Monday, June 21, 2004

Fred driving me to work

A tanker making it's way across the Bay between Alcatraz and the City. Picture taken around 8am, Monday 21st June 2004, from the Golden Gate Bridge.

The flowers that Florence and Karine kindly left for us as a gift.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Sunday June 21st 2004. Fred and I meet Vinny and Dani at the Legion of Honour where we visit the Art Deco Exhibition before heading off to The Ramp for a couple of late afternoon drinks outside by the edge of the Bay, listening to live music and catching up on the latest gossip.

Sat June 20th. In the afternoon we go to the North Beach Festival in Washington Square and then party at Duncan's nearby house. In the picture: Mystery Blonde, John, Sam, Maggie and Duncan.

Karine, Florence and Sam in the kitchen of our appartment.

June 15-16th 2004, Karine and Florence from Paris come to stay for a couple of days. They are part way through a tour of California which includes LA, Vegas, Yosemite, etc.

Sunday 14th June 2004, Fred and Sam go sailing on the Bay with Hans, Katja and friends. Ok - so England lost to France in Euro 2004 that day. I at least tried to be supportive by wearing my England shirt.

5 girls on the boat...(that's two-and-a-half each, boys!)

more crew photos

Looking from Sausalito towards San Francisco



From the dock looking towards Mount Tam

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Today I am featured in a BBC News Report!

The BBC have been searching for the great English Icon. So far a nice cuppa tea is winning the race but they included my marmite suggestion in their report...

Ex-pat Sam Breach, living in San Francisco, nominated Marmite and said: "Apart from all the ex-pats scattered around the world who hoard stockpiles of this delicious, dark, gloopy, salty spread in their foreign kitchens, this uniquely-shaped, yellow-lidded little jar full of savoury goodness is something only the English truly take to their hearts."

Read the entire article here

Monday, June 07, 2004

Me on my 38th Birthday 2004. Apperitifs before dinner at Chez Papa. 06.06.2004

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Red Hot and Pink Party