Sam Francisco

Just stuff about me, Sam, living in San Francisco

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Sylvain Doreau Open Studio

This weekend was an Open Studio weekend in San Francisco. We visited the studio/home of our friend of Sylvain Doreau to see his latest work. Soon after we arrived, Fred asked me which was my favourite painting. I pointed to a medium-sized green painting that reminded me a little of a Monet, invoking thoughts of water, ponds and summer.
Fred turned to Sylvain and exclaimed "We'll buy it". It's really pretty, I look forward to hanging it on our wall. Sylvain told me that the painting was inspired by a visit he took to San Francisco's Golden Gate Park and the colour of the water in a pond there.


  • At 10:13 AM, Blogger Delphine said…

    I told him that the title of the painting should be " she wanted to see trees", because if I had agreed for that ride to the beach, he would never have been inspired...You picked one of my favourite, I'm really pleased!

  • At 3:17 PM, Blogger Sam said…

    yes, good job, else I would have been fighting Michael for my second favourite painting.


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