Saturday May 15th 2004
F and I borrowed S's SUV to drive to San Jose which is 50 miles south of San Francisco. The reason for our journey down this grey, ugly stretch of the 101 that passes through Silicon Valley with its huge HiTech builings interspersed with strip malls lining each side of the road, was so that could pick up his 40th Birthday present to himself, a pair of JBL 4343 speakers circa 1976. They are so big they make our normally huge wide screen HDTV look small. F has been telling me how much he wanted a pair of speakers like this since I first met him 359 days ago. These speakers sell for thousands of dollars on Ebay and then you would usually have to add shipping charges on top of that. Considering that they weigh 175lbs each, you could end up spending a small fortune. He was lucky to find a pair, with all of the original components, in driving distance, and at a reasonable price. He told me, many times, that the sound that comes out of these speakers is incomparible with anything you would normally hear. I didnt really believe him until he plugged them in at home. The sound is so incredible it gives you goosebumps and your eyes well up with tears. F has wanted these speakers since he first heard them in France when he was 12 years old. Needless to say, after his almost 28 years of waiting, he is currently the happiest I have ever seen him. (Apart from when he met me, of course...)
The speakers look totally cool in our loft!